Friday, June 17, 2011

Staff training is almost over

Once again, I am very overdue on updating my blog, and I apologize. It has been a very busy past few weeks.

Since last updating, I completed summer school. For the last week and a half, I took 15 minute lunch breaks and no mid-morning breaks, so I was able to leave school one day early, so I left on Thursday at 3:30 PM, after 8 hours of lab. I drove to Wichita, Kansas, arriving at 11:30 PM, where I stayed with my uncle and cousins - my aunt was in the hospital at the time. I got up at 6:00 the next morning and was on the road by 6:35, driving the rest of the way to Trail's End Ranch - it was an almost 14.5 hour drive. I made it here safely, although very tired, and was in time for the last part of the evening meeting. Saturday was a workday here, so I spent a lot of time mowing, then hung out with my fellow staff members here at TER.

Sunday morning I attended Ekalaka Bible Church, along with a bunch of other staff members. The service was good, and I then spent the afternoon catching up on some require dreading and hanging out with people here. Sunday night training resumed, and I have been keeping busy with meetings and training on different events (BMX biking, low ropes course, paint ball course, high ropes course, etc.) ever since. Wednesday night was spent on a camp-out, which also involved getting to rappel down a 65 foot cliff, which was good - I had not been rappelling in over a year and a half, so it was fun to get to go again.

Thursday we came back from the camp-out, ate lunch, and got back to work, until meetings resumed, then supper, group game, and more meetings.

Please be praying for myself and the rest of the staff as we are already tired, and the campers have not gotten here yet. Be praying for the campers, as our first set will be arriving Sunday. Be praying that we be prepared to work with them and teach them, and that God work through us in their lives.

I would love to hear from you, so please, feel free to email me.

Take care, and God Bless.

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