Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Back at school

Well, I'm back in Longview - in fact, I have been since Sunday afternoon. I went to church and had dinner with my parents and grandparents on Sunday, then headed back to Longview. I got settled back into my apartment, and just relaxed. I had expected my new roommate, Jason, and his brother, Derek (who has been in my apartment since last semester) to get back Sunday, but figured they must not be coming until Monday when they hadn't showed up by 10:30 or so Sunday night. I woke up Monday morning to find Jason asleep on the couch because he hadn't wanted to disturb me when they got in at 1:30 or 2:00.

I spent Monday working on getting books, and again just taking it easy and hanging out. I have class at 7:10 AM out at the airport on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so I was up early to get some breakfast from the cafeteria before catching the 6:50 bus out to the airport. Class went well, then I lab assisted for Carburetion and Fuel Systems lab and came back, working on different stuff around the apartment the rest of the day. This afternoon was class and lab, so I feel like I'm starting to get back into a schedule and a routine, which is nice. I never thought I would say this about Longview, but it feels good to be home.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Preparing to head back to Longview

Happy New Year!

What are you going to do for God this year?

I know for me, I tend to focus on selfish plans at the beginning of the new year. Plans for how to better my life, to do what I want, etc. But when it comes down to it, that's not what we should be thinking about. I've been convicted that my primary goal for this year needs to be to glorify God, and do His will - no matter the cost. I'm not comfortable with this - but I know that it is the best way to go, and I plan to live by that philosophy.

I'm getting ready to head back to Longview on Sunday to finish up my time at LeTourneau - if God wills it, I will be graduating on May 5. I have used Christmas break to start making some more contacts about possible employment after I graduate - two of the companies I contacted told me they aren't currently hiring, but to go ahead and send them my resume. One responded a couple hours later, asking for more information and references, which was encouraging. I'm not just seeking a job somewhere, I want to please God and do what He wants me to.

Let me know how I can pray for you, and ask yourself - what are you going to do for God this year? Then do it.