Monday, July 18, 2011

Another quick update

Well, another week has started! We are now over half through the part of the summer where we have campers - this is week 5 of 8.

Nobody signed up for Bike Path, so I was moved - but because one of my campers signed up for Music Path, I am in Music this week. I wasn't excited about it, but God is working on me, and I am finally getting over myself on this and remembering to do everything as unto the Lord - and besides, my being here at camp isn't about me - so I'm praying that I have the opportunity for God to somehow use me, even in Music Path.

My cabin full will probably keep my hands full again this week, but it is fun to see how well the group is already bonding, and I am excited to see what all God does in this group of guys this week.

I do request prayer for Becky this week. Her grandfather is really not doing well - he was taken to the hospital. Please be praying for him, as well as for Becky and the rest of the family there.

Have a blessed week!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Quick Update


This is just going to be quick - I'm about to have to get back to work. Just wanted to give a very quick update.

Last week I had three special needs kids in my cabin of seven, two of them requiring constant supervision. I did survive the week, though, and 2 of my kids accepted Christ! That made it very worth the whole week of struggles.

This week I once again have 7 jr. high guys, including one of them from my first week counseling - but I'm quite glad to have this one back.

Please be praying that this be an awesome week - I am currently scheduled to head up the Bike path, but I really don't want to do it - so I'm hoping that nobody decides to do bike path - then I might end up helping with High Adventure.

I'd love to hear from you.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Nearing the end of Week Three

Well, week three is almost over.

It has been a very interesting week this week. I have been back to having Jr. High boys, but thankfully this week's group has not presented the problems that my first group did. Not to say that they're all perfect, but it's a manageable group.

I also ended up assisting in Outdoor Life path this week, since that's where all 5 of my guys went, and there were no guys in High Adventure. Nelson and Dwayne, the leaders of the path, are great - but I have decided that I prefer working with High Adventure.

This week for Team Competition the theme was American History - so as soon as it was just the leaders of the two teams in the room, we decided to do Civil War, with one team being Yankees and the other team being Rebels. Jeremy, our program director, was quite surprised, but that was part of the fun, when we did our skit and did a joint skit instead of two separate ones, making it impossible to determine which one was better and would receive points.

I will probably give more of an update later on, but for now I am tired so am about to close this out. Please keep me, and the rest of the camp staff in your prayers, as well as the campers and their families for safety in travels this weekend.

As always, it would be great to hear from you.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Between Weeks 2&3


Well, this week I ended up counselling for three high school guys - two of them were here for basketball camp, and one did High Adventure - so I got to help out with High Adventure again, which was wonderful. I love working with High Adventure - helping the kids get over their fears, and the other High Adventure staff is amazing to work with - I have really been enjoying that, and hope to get to work with High Adventure again.

It was a really good week, but right now I can't think of a lot of specific things. The camp out this week did not go nearly as smoothly for my group as last week, but it was okay. The Outdoor Life path joined us this week for our camp out, and that added some challenges with the two campers who were in that path. Having their leader, Dwayne, along made it much easier to deal with, and I enjoyed getting to visit with Dwayne some.

This past week my cabin once again was the cleanest guys cabin, so got free root beer floats. The girls had an 8 way tie, but only one cabin was able to have the floats - the guys, nobody else tied our 100% every day, although one came very close.

This coming week I will once again be working with Explorers - which means I'm back to working with junior high guys again. Please be praying for me still this week, and especially as I'm back to working with junior high guys - I prefer the high schoolers, but camp is not about what I prefer, it is about what I need to do in order to serve God to the best of my ability.

Take care, and please feel free to write to me. I'd love to hear from you.