Sunday, May 29, 2011

Memorial Day

Although I have not lost any family members in their military service, Memorial Day, as well as all patriotic holidays, are very special to me. My grandfather, Al Miller, and my uncles, Mike and Bill Miller, are all U.S. Army veterans and my uncle Jeff Miller and my cousin James Miller are both U.S. Navy veterans. My grandfather served in World War II in Europe, and my Uncle Bill served in Vietnam. I am blessed that all of my family members were able to finish their military service unharmed. Several of my friends from church are current or past military, and many, many of my friends from my years in Civil Air Patrol are in the military. While to my knowledge all of my friends have remained safe, many have not been so blessed.

I thank God for the brave men and women who have been, and continue to be, willing to serve our great nation. To all of our veterans, and their families, and especially the families of those who have died in service of our country, thank you. While all have given some, some have given all.


  1. If the video doesn't show up for you, please click the box - this video has a very good message.
