Thursday, May 3, 2012

Graduation Week

Wow - I can't believe that in under 36 hours, I graduate from LeTourneau.

Last week I took my oral and practical exams on Tuesday and Wednesday, then on Thursday I drove to Dallas and flew to Charlotte, NC. Friday morning I had a job interview with PSA Airlines in Charlotte, and right after my interview I flew back to Dallas and drove back to Longview. I should hear back from PSA about the job by the end of next week.

This week has been filled with activity, although classes ended last week. I had to take two aviation finals on Tuesday, and I was exempt from the rest of my finals because of having good enough grades and graduating. Wednesday there was a luncheon put on by the Aeronautical Science department for all of us who are graduating, then the Honors College took those of us graduating from the honors program out to dinner in Kilgore on Wednesday evening. Thursday morning I had my senior exit interview, then in the afternoon I had my three FAA written exams. I passed all of them, and I am now a licensed Airframe & Powerplant Mechanic.

Friday I have a senior breakfast, and will then spend several hours packing, trying to mostly finish that up Friday. Friday afternoon graduation activities pick up, and my parents, grandparents, my sister Sarah, and Becky will arrive. Saturday morning I have to be at graduation stuff at 7:30, with graduation at 9:00. After graduation I will finish packing, load my stuff into my car and my parents' van, and check out of my apartment for the last time. Sunday morning I will go to church, then will come back to campus to meet up with a few of my friends, and we will then road trip to Florida to spend a week there.

Please keep everybody traveling in your prayers, and let me know how I can be praying for you.

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