Monday, October 11, 2010

What an amazing weekend!

This has been quite a weekend. Friday I got to go to Little Rock, and Saturday morning we went to Thunder Over the Rock - the Little Rock Air Force Base air show - and it was amazing. Never before had I watched a jet fly backwards or hover, or seen 400 people jump out of an airplane within just a minute or two. Then we drove back to Longview, getting back around 11:30 Saturday night.

Sunday I got to go to Dr. O's, and as usual, that was a lot of fun. I came back and got to work a Hawk Nelson concert. Definitely the highlight of the concert, though, was when I went in while John Reuben was singing, and saw a lady that had to be pushing 80 years old, standing up in front of her wheelchair, with one hand on her oxygen bottle, dancing to John Reuben's music. That completely made my day.

Today was an odd sort of blessing. I woke up this morning and it was warm, and sunny outside - I got back from breakfast and it clouded over, and a little bit later started having an awesome thunderstorm with torrential rain. It hasn't rained here in weeks, so the rain we've been getting today has been great, and I absolutely love listening to the thunder, and watching the lightning. God is so good.

If you are going through a rough spot in your week, try to visualize the lady at the concert, having a great time at this concert attended largely by young teenagers, and hopefully that will put a smile on your face.

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