Well, it has been an eventful couple of weeks since I last posted.
As I briefly mentioned in my last post, at that time I was on my way back to Virginia. My reason for flying back to Virginia for a couple of days was to help my parents pack up in preparation to move, and to say goodbye to the people of Chestnut Level Baptist Church. While I was home we accomplished most of the packing work I was hoping to, and I was able to say goodbye to most of the people that I wanted to. I do regret not having gotten to see the others and say goodbye, as chances are I will not see them again in this life - unfortunately, though, that is just a fact of life.
After flying home on Friday night, I flew back to Texas on Monday, arriving back at campus some time after 9:30 Monday night. I had been so thankful for my schedule on Sunday morning, because I have no classes before 1:00 PM this semester - I was grateful that I would be able to sleep in on Tuesday. Then I remembered that I have work at 8:00 on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. I'm enjoying my work as Composites lab assistant, though, so it was fine.
I also lab assist for Composites on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, and I'm in class after finishing working in the labs those afternoons, and in class and lab all afternoon Monday and Friday. Wednesdays I have an open day to work on my online classes, which is really nice.
This semester I have the added blessing of having my own room - I was sad to see my roommate from last year move off campus, but he was able to get a much better deal financially for housing, and it has worked out nicely, since I was never assigned a new roommate. Here is what my room looks like this year:

Walking in through the door from the living room to my room.
Turning left.
The rest of my room.
Looking back out the door into the hall, where Derek and Jonathan's
room is, as well as the walk-in-closet with attic access,
and the bathroom and living room.
So far classes are going well, and are mostly enjoyable. I find it very hard to believe that I am now a senior here at LeTourneau.
Please be praying for my parents, as they leave Chestnut Level that God would give them wisdom and guidance to the next place He has for them, preferably quickly, as in the mean time they will be living with my grandparents in Virginia.